The Handbook of Investment Agreements in ASEAN compiles the main investment instruments agreed upon among the ASEAN countries. This handbook, together with other titles on investment matters published or to be published by the ASEAN Secretariat, is an attempt to bridge the information gap, enhance transparency and provide investors and the private sector, within and outside ASEAN, with a better understanding of the investment policies of the region.
Although there are other ASEAN agreements pertaining to investment, this Handbook concentrates on providing detailed information on the following:
The 1987 ASEAN Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
The 1996 Protocol to Amend the 1987 ASEAN Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
The 1996 Protocol on ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism
The 1998 Framework Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area
These agreements, collectively, will enhance investors' confidence in ASEAN. The implementation of the ASEAN Investment Area will help bring about a more competitive and profitable investment environment. Specifically, these four Investment Agreements will provide:
protection of investment against expropriation and guaranteeing repatriation of profits, dividends and capital;
a mechanism for the settlement of investment disputes; and
a more liberal, attractive and competitive investment area comprising about 500 million people.
This handbook complements the publication "Compendium on Investment Measures and Policies in ASEAN Countries." I hope that the two publications when read together will provide investors with better insights into ASEAN's investment regime. I also hope that investors will find this handbook useful as they seek to be better informed on ASEAN's commitment to further developing a highly congenial investment environment for investments under the ASEAN Investment Area arrangement.
Secretary-General of ASEAN