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Joint Press Statement The First ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare Meeting
Jakarta, 18-19 July 1977


  1. The Meeting of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare vas convened in Jakarta from 18-19 July 1977 in preparation for the Second Meeting of ASEAN Heads of Government in Kuala Lumpur. The Ministerial Meeting was preceded by a Meeting of Senior Officials in Jakarta on 15-17 July 1977.

  2. The Meeting was attended by H.E. Datuk Hajjah Aishah Ghani, Minister of welfare Services of Malaysia; H.E. Estefania Aldaba Lim, Minister of Social Services and Development of the Philippines; H.E. Othman Wok, Minister for Social Affairs and concurrently Ambassador of Singapore to Indonesia; H.E. Samak Sundaravej, Minister of interior of Thailand and H.E. H.M.S. Mintaredja, Minister of Social Affairs of Indonesia and their respective delegations. Mr. H.R. Dharsono, Secretary-General of the ASEAN Secretariat, and Mr. Loke Foo Yee, Director, Socio-Cultural. Affairs Bureau, ASEAN Secretariat, were also in attendance.

  3. H. Hamengku Buwono IX, Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, declared the Meeting officially open. In his Opening Address the Vice-President stated that ASEAN countries had since the post-war period emphasized the economic sector in their development programmes. This had brought large and rewarding returns resulting in the increasing hopes and demands for betterment of life. In order to support and balance these achievements, social development which aims towards the realization of social justice should be promoted. He further stated that some of the problems faced by ASEAN countries include acute poverty, growing abuse of narcotics and rapid population growth. He expressed the hope that this Meeting could formulate effective measures for the attainment of a better life in the ASEAN region.

  4. H. E. H.M.S. Mintaredja leader of the Indonesian Delegation, and H.E. Estefania Aldaba Lim, leader of the Philippine Delegation, were unanimously elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

  5. The Ministers undertook a review of ASEAN projects and activities in the field of social welfare, within the context of the ASEAN Declaration of 1967 and the Declaration of ASEAN Concord of 1976. Particularly they noted the ratification of two significant agreements, namely the ASEAN Declaration. for Mutual Assistance on Natural Disasters and the ASEAN Declaration of Principles to Combat the Abuse of Narcotic Drugs.

  6. The Ministers held an exchange of views on common issues relating to social welfare in ASEAN countries such as mass poverty, rapid population growth, the integration of women and youth in development, the protection and development of children, drug abuse and resettlement of displaced groups, such as refugees, among others.

  7. They underscored the role of regional cooperation towards the solution of the these problems and therefore felt that there was an urgent need to emphasize an integrated approach towards development to balance economic growth and social justice.

  8. Therefore the Ministers encouraged continuing efforts for the maximization of the potentials of all levels of the ASEAN communities in national and regional development through appropriate social welfare programmes.

  9. The Ministers expressed their deep appreciation to the government and the people of the republic of Indonesia, particularly to H.E. President Soeharto and H.E. Vice-President Hamengkubuwono IX, for the hospitality extended to the delegations and the efficient arrangement made for the meeting.

  10. The Meeting was held in the traditional spirit of ASEAN cordiality.


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