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Statement by the Philippine Foreign Ministers as Chairman of the ASEAN Standing Committee
Manila, 1 August 1980

I have been authorized by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers to make the following statement :

  1. The ASEAN member-states express grave concern over the continuing conflict in Kampuchea and the threat this poses to the security of countries in Southeast Asian region.

  2. The ASEAN member-states welcome the timeliness of the U.N. secretary-general’s visit to Southeast Asia in view of the continued presence of Vietnamese forces in Kampuchea, despite the call by the U.N. General Assembly for the withdrawal of all foreign forces, and the attendant fighting, which have not only heightened tensions along the Thai-Kampuchean border but have also increased the gravity of the Kampuchean refugee problem.

  3. They underscore the fact that the main cause of the present strife and tension in Southeast Asia which has produced a sustained threat to the security of Thailand is the continued Vietnamese military occupation of Kampuchea. They oppose all manoeuvre to divert world attention from this fundamental issue. They therefore reject any and all efforts aimed at legitimizing the presence of Vietnamese forces in Kampuchea and the regime sustained by them as well as attempts to create , military fait accompli which are in flagrant violation of the time honoured principles of the UN Charter and of international law. They call for a prompt implementation of UNGA Resolution No. 34/22 which requires the immediate and total withdrawal of Vietnamese forces from Kampuchea so as to allow the Kampuchean people to exercise their right of self-determination free from outside interference, subversion, or coercion.

  4. The ASEAN member-states express the view that durable peace in Southeast Asia can only come about through a strict observance, in precept and in practice of. UN Charter principles, particularly the principle of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.

  5. They reiterate that the unity and solidarity of ASEAN cannot and will not be broken and they oppose any attempt to isolate Thailand from the rest of ASEAN. They further reiterate that any incursion of foreign forces into Thailand directly affects the security of the other ASEAN member states and endangers peace and security in the whole region. In this regard, the other ASEAN member-states express their firm support of and solidarity with the Government and the people of Thailand in the preservation of Thailand's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  6. The ASEAN member-states note that the tension along the Thai-Kampuchean border has spread to the Thai-Lao border. They express serious concern over the resort to the use of force against Thailand. This has not contributed to the peaceful solution of the problem and is in contravention of the spirit of the understanding reached between the Prime Ministers of Thailand and Laos, as reflected in their joint Communiques and other Memoranda of Understanding. The other member-states of ASEAN express appreciation of the positive step taken by Thailand to prevent the escalation of the tension at the Thai-Lao border. They also express the hope that the existing problem between Thailand and Laos would be peacefully resolved so that they can pursue their good neighbourly relations and cooperation with each other.

  7. They express concern over the growing problem of Kampuchean refugees, which has resulted from large-scale population movements and exodus from Kampuchea due to widespread starvation, arising from the continued occupation of Kampuchea by foreign forces and. he persisting conflict in that country. This has been further aggravated by recent developments, which have prevented refugees and displaced persons who have fled from the fighting, to return to their homeland as a basic human right which is indisputably theirs. In this context, the other ASEAN member-states wish to express their full appreciation of the important role that Thailand has played in alleviating the plight and deprivation of these Kampuchean refugees/ illegal immigrants out standing the important role that Thailand was played this regard, there are now attempts to leave the responsibility of caring for these Kampuchean refugees, who are already in Thailand for reasons beyond their control, to Thailand and other third countries. The ASEAN member states reject all such moves, for it should be noted that the Vietnamese are responsible for the creation of the Kampuchea. refugee problem.

  8. The ASEAN member-states note that the sufferings of the Kampuchean people along the Thai-Kampuchean border are now being aggravated by Vietnam's latest moves to effect closure of the border and by the pressures exerted upon international relief organizations to divert relief assistance only to Phnom Penh. These Vietnamese moves, which are essentially aimed at making this humanitarian issue a political tool for their, on purposes, must be rejected. For these refugees are people indigenous to the area, who have gravitated to the Thai border in the hope of finding food, safety and freedom-which have not been provided by Phnom Penh. Since it as cross border feeding from Thailand that had saved more than one million people in western Kampuchea from starvation in the recent past, they feel that such cross-border relief efforts through the land bridges, must continue. These are part and parcel of the over-all relief program which also includes the distribution of relief assistance within Kampuchea. This is in accord with UNGA Resolution No : 34/22 which stressed that humanitarian relief and assistance to the Kampuchea. civilian populations. including these who leave sought refugees. Thailand, should reach those for whom it is intended on a non discriminatory basis.

  9. The ASEAN member states recall that at the Geneva Meeting of May 26-27, 1980 on Humanitarian, Assistance and Relief to the Kampuchea. People, a consensus as reached measures to improve humanitarian. relief and assistance to the Kampuchea, people in order to alleviate their plight. They reiterate their support for these measures and emphasize the need for ensuring effective, monitoring as regards the end use of food and relief supplies.

  10. The ASEAN member-states emphasize Thailand’s Noninvolvement in the armed conflict in Kampuchea. They therefore reiterate their request for the stationing of a UN observer team, on the Thai side of the border. They also propose the establishment of demilitarized peace zones in Kampuchea under United Nations supervision. Under this proposal, all parties to the conflict should refrain from all acts of hostility against these zones so as to ensure the safety of the refugees and the uninterrupted flow, of relief and assistance to them.

  11. The ASEAN member-states have always stated that they would welcome the convening of international conference to consider the Kampuchean problem in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the UNGA Resolution No. 34/22. They maintain that the implementation of this resolution will contribute to the attainment of a durable solution to the Kampuchean problem including that of Kampuchean refugees. This will also set an example and serve as a model for the achievement of a durable political solution to the Afghanistan problem.

  12. The ASEAN member status reiterate their committee to the ASEAN concept of establishing Southeast Asia as a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in such a zone, all nations of the area would enjoy peaceful coexistence and the fruits of mutual cooperation on the basis of sovereign equality, free from external power rivalry and interference.


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