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Press Statements of the 1st Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 21 October 1994

  1. Malaysia hosted the Inaugural Informal ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment at Kuching, Sarawak on 21 October, 1994. The Meeting was held in conjunction with the Malaysian Environment week 1994
  2. The Meeting was attended by delegations from ASEAN member -countries. Representatives from Laos and Vietnam also attended the meeting as observers. The discussions were coordinated by The Hon. Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Minister of Science, Technology & the Environment, Malaysia.
  3. The Ministers exchanged views on a wide range of regional and international issues. This had led to better understanding of member country’s position, which was essential for the development of ASEAN common stands on environmental. issues.
  4. The Ministers noted with satisfaction the preparations made for the ASEAN Environment Year 1995, and endorsed the proposed 'Green and Clean' theme for the campaign. The Ministers agreed to explore the possibility of a joint launching of the ASEAN Environment Year as proposed by Thailand.
  5. The Ministers noted the progress made at the UN commission on Sustainable Development especially at the 2nd Session held in May 1994. The Ministers agreed that ASEAN should continue to call upon the developed nations for the immediate and meaningful implementation of the commitments made at Rio, particularly on issues such as land management, desertification, forests and biodiversity.
  6. The Ministers noted that the First Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity will be held in Bahamas in November/December 1994. Since the utilization and conservation of biological diversity is a matter of great importance to the ASEAN Countries in particular, .the ministers agreed that ASEAN should .activity participate at the forthcoming meeting. ASEAN would endeavour to ensure that the provisions relating to access to genetic resources, technology transfer and sharing of benefits would be dealt with on an equitable basis, bearing in mind the interest of biodiversity rich countries.
  7. On a related issue the Ministers noted with grave concern the move to restrict trade of tropical timber species by bringing them under the purview of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) . The meeting agreed that issues on sustainable management of timber species should be left to the appropriate competent authorities and not be brought under CITES, so that such matters could be dealt with holistically.
  8. The Ministers also emphasized the need for increased consultation and cooperation among member countries regarding developments in the Montreal Protocol since decisions taken under the Protocol would have direct and significant impacts on the economies of ASEAN member countries.
  9. As regards the Basel Convention on the Control of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Ministers agreed to explore the feasibility of a Proposal to include under the Convention's provisions wastes arising from tanker cleaning activities.
  10. The Ministers agreed to enhance cooperation to manage natural resources and to control transboundary pollution within ASEAN region as "one eco-system", such as destruction of coral reefs, illegal fishing, haze pollution, etc; including developing regional early warning. and response system and enhancing the capacity of member countries.
  11. Concerning the increasing periodicity and worsening impact of the haze in the region, the Ministers recognized the-.complexity of -the problems and agreed on the measures to be taken on preventing the problem.
  12. The ministers also appreciated the information given and the steps to be taken by Indonesia to prevent and to control the haze problem.



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