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Joint Press Release The 13th Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers on Energy Cooperation
Bali, Indonesia, 26 October 1995


  1. The Thirteenth ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (AEMMEC) was held in Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia on 26 October 1995. The Meeting, chaired by H.E. I.B. Sudjana, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Indonesia, was preceded by ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (SOMEC) which was held from 23-24 October 1995.

  2. The Meeting was attended by H.E. Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Dr. Haji Ismail bin Pengiran Haji Damit, Minister of Development of Brunei Darussalam; H.E. Mr. I.B. Sudjana, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Indonesia; H.E. Datuk Leo Moggie, Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and Posts of Malaysia; H.E. Dr. Francisco L. Viray, Secretary of Energy of the Republic of the Philippines; H. E. Mr. Goh Chee Wee, Minister of State for Trade and Industry of the Republic of Singapore; H.E. Dr. Prathes Sutabutr, Director-General of the Department of Energy Development and Promotion on behalf of the Minister of Science and Technology and Environment of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Duc Phan, Vice Minister of Energy of Vietnam, and their respective delegations. H.E. Dato Ajit Singh, Secretary General of ASEAN and his delegation were also in attendance.

  3. The Ministers discussed various matters pertaining to the development on ASEAN energy cooperation. The main agenda items of the Meeting included among others the implementation of decisions of the Twelfth AEMMEC, the implementation of decisions of the Special SOMEC, the Fifth ASEAN Summit, and the progress of the energy cooperation projects under the ASEAN Medium-Term Programme of Action on Energy Cooperation as well as projects funded by Dialogue Partners.

  4. The Ministers welcomed the participation, of Vietnam for the first time in the Meeting and looked forward to a more vigorous ASEAN cooperation in energy.

  5. The Ministers were briefed on the Development in OPEC. The briefing underlined the importance of OPEC and Non-OPEC cooperation, and also the increasing role of Non-OECD in oil demand. The Ministers noted OPEC's prediction on the medium and long term oil market issues in oil production and expressed their concerns over the fact that the surge of oil production from Non-OPEC countries which is coupled with the mild economic recovery of the OECD economies that could preclude an immediate oil price recovery.

  6. The Ministers noted that in two decades of its existence, ASCOPE has continued its efforts to enhance cooperation of petroleum and natural gas industries in the region through its training and human resources development programmes. The Ministers also noted with satisfaction that ASCOPE Plan and Control on Mitigation of Marine Pollution (APCMMP) has been formulated.

  7. The Ministers adopted the following recommendations proposed by SOMEC :

    1. Protocol for the Amendments of ASEAN Energy Cooperation Agreement, 1 986.

    2. ASEAN Medium-Term Programme of Action on Energy Cooperation (1995-1 999).

    3. Establishment of Forum of ASEAN Heads of Power Utilities /Authorities.

  8. The Meeting agreed to further study the Long-Term Financing Scheme of the ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Center (AEEMTRC).

  9. Recognizing the role of energy sector in enhancing economic development and the importance of power development in the overall growth of the energy sector, the Ministers agreed that ASEAN shall ensure greater security and sustainability of energy supply through diversification, development and conservation of resources, the efficient use of energy, and the wider application of environmentally sound technologies. The Ministers also directed that the Medium-Term Programme of Action on Energy Cooperation (1995-1999) be implemented with greater private sector participation in various modes of investment, transfer of technology and human resources development, with major thrust on power sector development.

  10. The Ministers agreed that the title of the ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (AEMMEC) be changed into "ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM)". Accordingly, the Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (SOMEC) would be called "Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy (SOME)" and the Senior Officials on Energy Cooperation (SOEC) would be called "Senior Officials on Energy (SOE)". The Ministers also agreed that AMEM should be convened annually or as appropriate to provide opportunities for the Ministers to exchange views on energy cooperation.

  11. The Ministers agreed to convene the Fourteenth AMEM in Langkawi, Malaysia in 1996. The date of the Meeting would. be decided on consultation with Member Countries.

  12. The Meeting was held in the traditional spirit of ASEAN solidarity and cordiality.



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