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Joint Press Release The 7th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers for Science and Technology
Bangkok, Thailand, 28-29 August 1995

1 . The Seventh Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers for Science and Technology was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 28 to 29 August 1995.

2. The Meeting was attended by H.E. Pengiran Dato Seri Paduka Dr Haji Ismail bin Pengiran Haji Damit, Minister of Development, Brunei Darussalam; Professor Dr. Jose Roesma, Secretary of the Minister of State for Research and Technology on behalf of H.E. Professor Dr Ing B.J. Habibie, Minister of State for Research and Technology, Indonesia; H.E. Datuk Law Hieng Ding, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment, Malaysia; H.E. Dr William G. Padolina, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, the Philippines; H.E. Mr. Goh Chee Wee, Minister of State for Trade, Industry and Communications, Singapore; H.E. Mr. Yingpan Manasikarn, Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Thailand; H.E. Professor Dang Huu, Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Vietnam; and members of their delegations. Dr. Filemon A. Uriarte, Jr., Director, Functional Cooperation Bureau, ASEAN Secretariat, on behalf of the Secretary General of ASEAN, and members of his staff, were also in attendance.

3. H.E. Mr. Yingpan Manasikarn, the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment of Thailand declared the Meeting officially open. He welcomed the participation of Vietnam, for the first time as a new member of ASEAN. In his welcoming address, he stated that ASEAN has attained rapid stage of maturity and is gaining momentum both in the political and economic areas with an increase in intra-ASEAN trade following the signing of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). He stressed that science and technology should be the focus of future ASEAN cooperation. In addition, he mentioned the need to build greater intra-ASEAN cooperation and cooperation with other countries on science and technology. He pointed the need for member countries to rely on their own resources and make future investments on a cost-sharing basis to achieve mutual capability.

4. In accordance with ASEAN tradition, H.E. Mr. Yingpan Manasikarn, Minister of Science, Technology and Environment of Thailand, as host country; and H.E. Professor Dang Huu, Minister of Science, Technology and Environment of Vietnam; were unanimously elected Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Meeting, respectively.

5. The Meeting reviewed the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers for Science and Technology held in Manila, Philippines on 2-3 February 1994 and noted the significant achievements of ASEAN cooperation in science and technology in the fields of food science and technology, meteorology and geophysics, microelectronics and information technology, materials science and technology, biotechnology, non- conventional energy research, marine sciences, and science and technology infrastructure and resources development.

6. The Meeting adopted the Medium Term Programme for ASEAN S&T Development (1996-2000) which contains the objectives, conceptual framework, strategies and actions, programme areas, activities and funding mechanisms for advancing ASEAN S&T cooperation up to the year 2000. The Medium Term Programme elaborates on the strategies stated in the Plan of Action on Science and Technology which the Ministers adopted during their previous meeting in Manila, 2-3 February 1 994. It incorporates the goals and specific objectives of the various Sub- committees, and defines the priority programme areas for 1996-2000. The thrust of the Programme is to promote technology transfer and commercialization, networking of centers of excellence, and science and technology awareness. The Medium Term Programme further builds up ASEAN's infrastructure for technology cooperation that will ultimately be self-sustaining and demand driven with the active participation of the private sector. In this connection, three projects were identified for possible implementation as models for cost-sharing, namely, ASEAN Science and Technology Information Network, Science and Technology Human Resources Development Programme, and Corrosion Prevention and Surface Protection.

7. The Meeting discussed inputs relating to new directions for enhancing S&T cooperation among ASEAN member countries for consideration at the 5th ASEAN Summit which is scheduled to be held in Bangkok on 14-1 5 December 1995.

8 . The Ministers attended the opening session of the Fourth ASEAN Science and Technology Week (FASTW) on 28 August 1995 which was graciously presided by H. R. H.. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Special and keynote 'addresses were delivered by high ranking officials from the scientific and research organizations of Australia, Canada, Japan and Thailand. With the theme of "Science and Technology: the Future of ASEAN", FASTW is holding 8 concurrent conferences with 600 registered participants and 100 booths for exhibits in -the fields of food science and technology, meteorology and geophysics, microelectronics and information technology,materialsscienceandtechnology,biotechnology.non-conventionalenergy research, marine sciences- and S&T infrastructure and resources development. In connection with FASTW, the ASEAN Science and Technology Awards were given in the following categories: ASEAN Young Scientist and Technologist Award, ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award and ASEAN Science and Technology Meritorious Service Award.

9. The Ministers had an informal meeting with the Honourable E.J. Lindsay, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of Australia and H.E. Mr.Isamu Sasaya, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology of Japan. The Ministers exchanged views on how to further strengthen cooperation on science and technology.

10. The Ministers agreed that Vietnam would host the Fifth ASEAN Science and Technology Week in September 1998.

11. The Ministers from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam expressed their sincere appreciation to the Government and people of Thailand for the warm hospitality accorded them and the excellent arrangements made for the Meeting.

12. The Meeting was held in the traditional spirit of ASEAN cordiality and solidarity.


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