The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (hereinafter referred to as ASEAN) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (herein referred to as UNESCO),
Considering that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was created for the purpose of advancing, through the educational, scientific and cultural relations of the peoples of the world, the objective of international peace and the common welfare of mankind for which the United Nations was established and which its Charter proclaims,
Considering that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been established to promote regional peace, economic development, social progress and cultural development in the region and that these goals can be effectively advanced through co-operation and joint action with other international organizations,
Have agreed as follows:
UNESCO recognizes that ASEAN, by virtue of its character and responsibilities, plays an important role in promoting peace, development and international co-operation in furtherance of and in conformity with the purposes for which UNESCO was established.
The Secretariats of ASEAN and UNESCO shall hold consultations, the dates and forms of which shall be agreed between them, in order to exchange views on matters of common concern, explore mutually-beneficial cooperative activities and review the results of past activities.
ASEAN and UNESCO shall explore together new areas for co-operation and offer appropriate assistance to each other in support of future joint action. Such action may take the form of specific joint activities agreed upon during the consultative process provided for in Article II of this Agreement, such as the holding of joint special conferences at appropriate regular intervals on subjects within the competence of UNESCO and of particular relevance to ASEAN's activities. The dates, subjects to be covered, division of responsibilities and other considerations concerning such conferences shall be jointly decided on an ad hoc basis and formalized through letters exchanged between the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Director-General of UNESCO.
ASEAN and UNESCO shall arrange to the fullest extent possible and so far as is practicable for the exchange of information and documents on matters of common interest. This will include, where appropriate, the exchange of information and documents relating to specific projects, programmes or activities with a view to better complementary action and more effective co- ordination between the two organizations.
The Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Director-General of UNESCO may, if necessary, enter into supplementary administrative arrangements, as stipulated, for example, in paragraph 1 of Article,III, for the implementation of the present Agreement.
Any dispute between ASEAN and UNESCO concerning the interpretation and implementation of the present Agreement shall be settled amicably through consultation and negotiation between the Secretary-General of ASEAN and the Director-General of UNESCO.
This Agreement between ASEAN and UNESCO shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the duly authorized representatives of the two organizations.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Organizations, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Jakarta this 12th day of September 1998 in two original copies in English.
Rodolfo C. Severino, Jr. Secretary-General | For UNESCO
Federico Mayor Director-General |