Total Quality Management (TOM) is a new concept in Brunei Darussalam. Ministry of Development in particular is actively promoting quality in the construction industry. The introduction of ISO 9000 in Brunei Darussalam started with an awareness programme dating back to the beginning of 1990 when officers from Ministry of Development attended the ISO 9000 seminars organised under the ASEAN-EC ISQAP Programme. Since then Brunei is participating in various seminars or workshops throughout the region pertaining to ISO 9000 certification.
TQM is today recognised as being the most successful management system to increase efficiency and productivity. Though this awareness exists in this country, it is still necessary to instill the idea that "TQM is not really a system, it is a culture, a philosophy". Because it does not believe in a set of standard, it believes in creating a company culture of systematic and continuous improvement. One of the main strategies to achieve the above is to provide training and education for managers and employees in the companies concerned.
Awang Salleh
CPRU, Brunei Darussalam