Committee on Trade and Tourism

Trade Liberalization

Significant progress was made in the field of trade liberalisation. Under the ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangements (PTA), a set of 1,500 items exchanged during the Seventh Meeting of the Trade Preferences Negotiating Group (TPNG) and the Eleventh Meeting of the Committee on Trade and Tourism (COTT) were approved by the Tenth AEM Meeting, bringing the total number of items exchanged under the PTA to 5,825. Trade Preferences on these 1500 items were implemented with effect from 25 January 1981.

Pursuant to the decision of the Eighth AEM Meeting on deeper and wider tariff cuts under the PTA, the Ninth AEM Meeting agreed that all items with import trade value of less than US$ 50,000 based on the 1978 trade statistics be accorded a 20% margin of preference, subject to national exclusion lists on sensitive items. At the Eighth TPNG Meeting it was noted that all exclusion lists had been submitted and that Singapore's preferences were implemented with effect from 22 July 1980 while all other countries were in the process of implementing theirs.

To further accelerate the process of trade liberalisation the Tenth AEM Meeting further decided that in respect of items under the PTA, a tariff cut of 20-25% margin of preference be applied. To effect this decision the Eighth TPNG Meeting agreed that all preferential rates of 20% and above but below 25% will be raised to 25% and all preferential rates of 25% and above will remain unchanged. This will apply to all preferences implemented as of 24 January 1981, with the exception of the additional batch of products with import values of less than US$ 50,000 and will come into effect as of 1 April 1981.

At the Eleventh AEM Meeting, the Ministers agreed on another innovative approach to ASEAN trade liberalization which are as follows:

At the Eleventh Meeting of the COTT the following priority projects submitted by the sub-committee on Tourism (SCOT) was approved for UNDP funding:

(a) Research Studies on :
(b) Specialised training for National Tourism Organisation (NTO) Executives

(c) Programme Development and Technical Assistance

(d) Regional Research Resource Centre.

During the year, the Sub-Committee on Tourism (SCOT) completed a number of marketing activities. A brochure was produced for the first time, promoting ASEAN as one tourist destination. It was printed in English, German and Japanese using the slogan "ASEAN - Five Fabulous Countries. One Great Place To Go." An ASEAN promotional Chapter was also formed at the ASEAN National Tourist Organizations in Tokyo, Sydney, Frankfurt, London and the West Coast of USA. These promotional chapters undertook a number of joint promotions to further project the ASEAN image in their tourism marketing efforts.

Another accomplishment was the standardization of the ASEAN Embarkation/Disembarkation Card which as fully implemented in all five member countries as of 1 March 1981.

For more information, please refer to the project details