ASEAN - Canada

An ASEAN Preparatory Meeting was held in Manila in May 1984 to prepare for the Second ASEAN - Canada Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting in September 1984.

Since the First JCC Meeting in Ottawa in April 1983, the following projects have been completed:

  1. Exchange of journalists: Nine ASEAN journalists visited Canada in September/October 1983;

  2. Attachment course on Capital Markets; five ASEAN Officials were attached to the Capital Markets Division, Department of Finance, Canada, and to the financial institutions for a period of four weeks between July and September 1983.

  3. Project Development Meeting; In September 1983, a meeting on biogas energy was held in Bangkok and another on Solar and Wind Energy, in Manila. Subsequently a proposal on Biogas Technology was completed and submitted to the international Development Research Centre (IDRC).

  4. Feasibility Study on the ASEAN Offset Programme in the Aerospace Industry. The Study was completed and presented to COIME and COTAC for consideration.

With regard to the status of the long-term projects, the ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, established in 1981 had registered satisfactory result. On the ASEAN Crops Post-Harvest Programme, a multi-donor project, IDRC had signed the MOU with a commitment of US$ 167,000 for the three year project. CIDA also provided technical consultancy for the interim period.

The ASEAN - Canada Fisheries Post-Harvest Technology project is progressing satisfactorily and is expected to be completed by May 1986.

For more information, please refer to the project details