The Fourth ASEAN - UNDP Dialogue was held in Bangkok in February 1984. It reviewed the existing projects under the current 1982-1986 cycle, and considered new ASEAN project proposals. Both sides adopted guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the projects.

During the Dialogue the following project documents were signed between ASEAN and UNDP.

	(a) COFAB project document on Access to Capital Markets, 
	    Phase II.  The First Workshop was held in Chiangmai,
	    Thailand in March 1984;

	(b) COFAB project document on ASEAN Financial and Banking 
	    Systems: Structure and Prospects;

	(c) COSD project document on ASEAN Industrial Relations;

	(d) COTT project document on Technical Support to COTT.

The COFAF project document on Assistance for Agricultural Project Formulation, Monitoring and Evaluation in ASEAN was subsequently signed in June 1984 in Bangkok.

UNDP concurred with ASEAN that more funds should be given to ASEAN in the next cycle to adequately reflect its needs and potential.

Both sides. also agreed to adopt a flexible approach to the question of allocation of funds across the committees.

A five - month Training Course for ASEAN officials on Safety Aspect of Ship Building and Ship Repair was held from January to May 1984 in the United Kingdom. A one - month study tour of shipyards in Japan and four European countries also took place in May 1984. Another Seafares Seminar was held in Malacca in February/ March 1984.

For more information, please refer to the project details