The Fourteenth Meeting of the Committee on Social Development was held in Manila on 31 May to 3 June 1989. One of the Meeting's more important task was to analyse deeply the problems confronting the Committee and to seek solutions to them.

The ASEAN - COSD has 5 Subsidiary Bodies, namely:


The ASEAN Heads of Population Programme (AHPP) held their Annual Executive Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 13 April 1989. The Meeting discussed:

  1. The status of the Phase IV ASEAN - Australian Population Projects;

  2. The draft of the 1987 Annual Report

  3. The programme made by the ASEAN COSD in obtaining financial assistance to launch the Fourth Phase of the ASEAN Population Programme;

  4. The Provisional Agenda of the forth-coming Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Social Development;

  5. The 7th ASEAN Parliamentarians Conference/ Study Tour;

  6. The interest of FAO to continuously collaborate with ASEAN Population Programme, and

  7. Other new developments

The AHPP is seeking funds for the implementation of the following projects:

Health and Nutrition

The Seventh Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Health and Nutrition (ASCH&N) was held in Manila, Philippines on 11-13 April 1989. This Sub-Committee reviews and recommends cooperative programmes on Health and Nutrition developments in ASEAN countries.

The ASCH&N has the following projects under its purview:

I. On-going Projects:

In addition to the regular training courses at participating institutions, there were also postgraduate training courses which received financial assistance from USAID.

II. Approved Projects for Funding


The Sixth Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Youth (ASY) was held in Bandar Seri Begawan on 27 February to 1 March 1989. The Meeting endeavoured to ensure the continuity of present adult efforts to promote regional contacts, understanding, cooperation and development in ASEAN.

The Sub-Committee enhances active participation and integration of youth in national and regional development by formulating and coordinating Programmes and strategies for regional cooperation in the field of youth.

The ASY has the following regional projects under its purview:

1. Approved Projects under implementation:

II. Approved Projects for Funding:


The Eighth Meeting of the ASEAN Women's Programme was held in Manila, Philippines, on 24-26 May 1987. This Sub-Committee promotes, implements and strengthen active participation and integration of ASEAN Women in sharing the future development and progress of ASEAN and meeting the needs and aspirations of women in the ASEAN member countries. The Eighth Meeting of the AWP also served as a forum for the exchange of views as well as the sharing of experiences with one another through the presentation of Country Papers on Women and Work, Women and Family, and Women and Politics.

The AWP has the following regional projects under its purview:

I. Approved Project awaiting implementation:

II. Approved Project for Funding

ASEAN Cooperation in the Field of Labour

The 7th ASEAN Labour Ministers' Meeting (ALMM) was held on 13-14 October 1988 in Bali, Indonesia. The Ministers exchanged views on inter-related issues such as the adverse development over the preceding years of recession. They expressed their concern on the crippling economic condition, dwindling commodity prices, drastic changes in foreign exchange rates, rising unemployment and the protectionist trends, all of which had serious repercussions on the economic development in the ASEAN region.

The Meeting in Bali agreed, among others that ASEAN member countries should continue to coordinate their positions regarding the various issues tabled at the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The Ministers' Meeting also agreed on the need to increase employability of the unemployed and underemployed workers particularly in the informal sector.

ASEAN Sub-Committee on Labour Affairs

The Third Meeting of the 22nd ASEAN Standing Committee, Brunei Darussalam, 24-26 November 1988, took note of the formal linkage between the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Labour Affairs (ASCLA) and the COSD under the purview of the ASC. The Meeting also agreed that ASCLA could coordinate on Labour matters with the ASEAN Labour Ministers' Meeting (ALMM) and Senior Labour Officials Meeting (SLOM).

The First Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Labour Affairs was held in Bandar Seri Begawan on 1-2 August 1988.

For more information, please refer to the project details