b. the enhancement and strengthening of cooperation to improve the quality of rural life in ASEAN through the holding of regional seminars, exchange of research findings and sharing of information;
c. adopt the guiding principles for developmental social welfare policies and programmes and that such principles be included in the strategies and policies for social welfare in the ASEAN region;
d. appoint a multi-disciplinary experts group to study the feasibility of establishing a network of information exchange among ASEAN member countries;
e. the holding of a consultative meeting among social welfare experts and representatives of NGOs to formulate a set of recommended guidelines on the participation of NGOs in the development of social welfare at regional and national levels;
f. regional policy and cooperation on sports for the disabled;
g. training and exchange programmes on social welfare be further enhanced;
h. the enhancement of regional collaboration in social welfare through the development of more effective implementation mechanism in the ASEAN structure; and
i. the Organisation of a multi-agency experts group meeting to discuss the establishment of linkages among national adoption agencies.
b. that ASCLA be formally linked to the ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM) through the Senior Officials of the Ministries of Labour;
c. that ASCLA be responsible to both the COSD and the ALMM for technical matters including planning, management and coordination of the ASEAN technical cooperation/collaborative projects on labour;
d. that ASCLA will prepare recommendations on operational matters and policy issues on labour-related matters for ASEAN cooperation.
Natural Disaster.
ASEAN Social Development Fund.
Handing-over of COSD-ITS Functions to the ASEAN Secretariat.