112. The Thirteenth Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers on Energy Cooperation (AEMMEC) and the Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (SOMEC) of the Thirteenth AEMMEC was held in October 1995 in Denpasar, Bali. The Meeting approved the implementation of the 1995-1999 ASEAN Medium Term Programme of Action on ASEAN Energy Cooperation and the establishment of the Forum of Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA). The Protocol Amending the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation of 1986 was initialled by the Ministers during the Meeting and later formalized by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers in December 1995. The ASEAN Economic Ministers on Energy agreed to change the name of their meeting from the ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (AEMMEC) to the ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM). Accordingly, the Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy Cooperation (SOMEC) became the Senior Officials' Meeting on Energy (SOME).

113. The 14th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meetig (AMEM) was held in Kuala Lumpur on 1 July 1996. It was preceded by an ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Energy (SOME) held from 27-28 June 1996. The Ministers expressed their appreciation of the contributions of the Senior Officials towards strengthening the foundations of ASEAN energy cooperation and initialled the Protocol Amending the ASEAN Energy Cooperation Agreement of 1986, to enable new members to participate in the AMEM and SOME activities. The agreement would be signed by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers at the 29th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting later the same month. The AMEM also adopted, among others the following recommendations proposed by SOME:
  1. transformation of the ASEAN-EC Energy Management Training and Research Centre (AEEMTRC) into an ASEAN energy centre;

  2. the convening of a task force led by Malaysia to prepare the Terms of Reference and Modalities of the proposed Business Forum on ASEAN Energy Cooperation;

  3. adoption of the 1997/1998 Workplans of the Coal Sub-sector Network (CSN) and the New and Renewable Sources of Energy Sub-sector Network(NRSESN)
114. The Ministers noted the completion of the Study on the Masterplan on Natural Gas Development and Untilisation in the ASEAN region, in line with the stipulation of the 1995 Bangkok Summit Declaration pertaining to energy. The Ministers agreed that Member Countries should study the findings of the Masterplan and its implications for their respective national plans.

115. The findings of the study, indicate that the Trans-ASEAN Gas Transmission System is a distinct possibility, with construction in phases starting in 2010. The Ministers also agreed to encourage the private sector to participate in the linking of the proposed Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline System.