
1. An outcome of the ASEAN Regional Forum Intersessional (ARF ISM) on Peacekeeping Operations conducted in Kuala Lumpur, in April 1996 was to organise a peacekeeping 'Train the Trainers' Workshop. This was endorsed at the Third ARF Ministerial Meeting held in Jakarta in 1996.

2. The ARF ISM 'Train the Trainers' Workshop was held in Kuala Lumpur from 11 to 14 March 1997. It was attended by 76 participants,representing 18 ARF Members and representatives from the United Nations. The participants comprised representatives from the Armed Forces, Police, Electoral Commissions, Foreign Affairs and Defence Departments.

3. The Workshop was Co-chaired by Ms. Siti Azizah Abod, Under Secretary, Policy Division, Ministry of Defence, Malaysia and Commodore Geoff Smith, AM, RAN, Commandant of the Australian Defence Force Warfare Centre.

4. The participants approached the Workshop in a frank, open and cooperative manner that contributed to reaching successful outcomes.

Scope, Conduct and Methodology of the Workshop

5. The Workshop covered diverse subject areas as follows:

  1. Session 1. An Overview of UN Peace Operations presented by the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO);

  2. Session 2. An Overview of UN Training presented by the UN DPKO;

  3. Session 3. Panel Discussion on Civil and Military Roles, in Peacekeeping Operations is presented by Canada, the UN High Commission for Refugees, and Malaysia;

  4. Session 4. Review of a Case Study on the Training Perspective for Peace Operations in Somalia, presented by Australia;

  5. Session 5. Sharing of Peace Operations Training Experiences and National Criteria for participation in UN peacekeeping operations (PKO) by delegates, presented by Australia. Malaysia, New Zealand, the Peoples Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, Russia and the United States of America;

  6. Session 6. The main focus of the Workshop was conducted during Session 6. It involved both presentations and sub-groups discussions on the Approach to Training Requirements for Peacekeeping Operations; and

  7. Session 7. An Over-view of the Complexities of Supporting UN Peacekeeping Operations and a presentation on the UN and ECOWAS Operations in Liberia by Canada and Malaysia.

6. The methodology used for the conduct of each session varied dependent upon the Workshop aims. The over-view and panel discussion sessions were designed as scene setters to reflect the nature of complex multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations. The case study provided the opportunity for interaction within three sub-groups which prepared draft recommended approaches prior to the full Workshop focusing on the discussions of training requirements for military observers, military contingents and police monitors.

7. The Workshop reaffirmed the importance of integrating all components involved in UN peacekeeping operations. Military, police, civilian and other UN agencies must focus on the successful completion of the overall mission. The central role of the UN in peacekeeping and the need to understand the role of the UN peacekeeping operations within the total UN framework was highlighted. Success of complex multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations also requires an understanding of the mandate and other associated arrangements in place such as Status of Forces Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding, and the execution of duties in conformity with the provision of the mandate and these documents.

8. Success of peacekeeping operations is linked to achieving common acceptable standards of training by troop contributing nations (TCN). It was the need for this orientation towards training that led to Workshop reaching an understanding on an approach to peacekeeping training as attached at Annexes A to C.


9. The workshop submits the following recommendations to the Co-chairmen of the ARF ISM on PKO for consideration:

  1. The ARF ISM on Peacekeeping Operations be extended for another year for a follow up workshop or, approaches to training for peacekeeping operations.

  2. Members should be consulted whether any subsequent workshops may want to consider the further development of an approach for military contingent training standards with a view of submission to the UN DPKO.

  3. The outcome of the training approach for military observer and police monitor be offered to the UN DPKO in order to assist a review of the current UN training guidance documents.

  4. The outcome of the training approach for military contingents be offered o the UN DPKO for consideration in formulating UN training guidance for military contingents.

  5. It vas suggested that the UN DPKO might specify the desirability of including experienced personnel when seeking support for short warning deployments of military observers and CIVPOL monitors.

  6. It was suggested that the UN DPKO develop mission specific training guidance for use by TCNS.


A. ARF ISM Workshop Approach to Training for UN Military Observer

B. ARF ISM Workshop Approach to Training for CIVPOL Monitors

C. ARF ISM Workshop Approach to Training Military Contingents